Thursday, May 3, 2012

Craft Challenge-May 2012

I hear a lot of people wishing they were craftier.  People think you have to turn out beautiful family heirloom quality pieces in order to be considered creative, but I’m here to tell you that there is a crafty side to all of us.  No matter what level of crafter you are, we are going to challenge you to move to the next level.
Reclaimed Rubbish isn’t only about two giggling girls trying to craft the world into better environmental awareness, we are also teachers, art coaches, and creativity consultants.  This means our mission includes stretching your brain and making you work for it.

The rules are simple.  During the first week of every month, there will be a challenge.  The rules for that challenge will be posted, and please, do look for loopholes.  Your imagination is the limit, and size does not matter.  Work within your space.  If the challenge has to do with a car, that doesn’t’ mean you have to drag one into your apartment.  Work within the limits of your space.  Think micro art.  Think jewelry.  Think household items.  Think yard art.  Think sculpture.  Think canvas.  Think sewing.  Think paper craft.  Think of everything.
There will be a winner every month chosen by us (Thing One and Thing Two), and there will be a prize, but the catch to that is that the prize is even a surprise.  We don’t want the point to be competition.  We want the point to be people coming together and creating things they didn’t ever think of creating.  The only way you can cheat is by not creating your project yourself, in which case, we would give you a big tisk-tisk and ask you to try again next month.  

The reason for only one challenge per month is simple.  We are all crazy-insane-busy people who can’t spend all of our time throwing things together.  We have enough on our plate with kids, school, sports, church, dates, movies…and, well, you get the point.  This should be fun, not overwhelming.


May’s challenge has very few rules.  

  1. You must create something
  2. It must convey what your favorite childhood toy is
  3. You cannot spend any money on materials
When you have completed your masterpiece, email a short description of what you used and how it happened, attach a picture, and email it to no later than May 31st, 2012.  The winner will be announced during the month of June along with the announcement of what your prize will be. 
Now, get crafting!!!

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